Identifying squeezes

An Electronic Bridge Book that explains how to identify and execute a wide variety of simple and advanced squeeze plays. While the subject matter is more common to bridge experts, it is hoped that intermediate and advanced players can benefit from this presentation.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Introduction to Squeezes

Illustrates the meaning of the letters is BLUE, by showing a series of simple finesse positions. Then uses these positions to highlight the "defect" approach used to help classify squeezes throughout this book.

Chapter 1. The Basic Squeeze ending

This chapter identifies the "Basic Squeeze Ending", which is the easiest and most common of the four types of "simple squeezes". The Basic Squeeze ending, is one of two forms of simple squeezes often referred to as "automatic squeezes". This chapter shows how changing the location of the entry between the two hands distinquishes between these two automoatic squeezes, and how such changing entry conditions give rise to the two other simple squeezes: The Vienna Coup, and the "criss-cross squeeze".

Chapter Two: Defects in the
entry requirement of BLUE

This chapter covers squeeze positions where the hand opposite the squeeze card lacks an entry in EITHER THREAT suit. The remedies for this defect covered in this chapter are Trump Squeezes, Guard Squeezes, Positional Guard Squeeze, Clash Squeeze, Entry-Shifting Trump Squeeze, Clash Squeeze, Positional Clash Squeeze, and Trump Clash Squeeze. And note, this is only chapter two!!! Are we having fun yet?

Chapter 3: Defects in the “Both”
Requirement in the Simple Squeeze

This chapter introduces concepts around shaping the opponents hand when "B" is flawed for a simple squeeze. The first mechanism are isolating a menace, ruffing out a menace, and transfering a menace. If two threats can not be isolated to one opponent, we go on to introduce the double squeeze, and discuss the importance of an entry in the suit the opponents both SHARE responsibility guarding, and the tremendous flexibility having two winners in this suit provides. Also covered are recipricol double squeeze where you lack a squeeze suit, and playing a simple squeeze as if it was a double squeeze.

Chapter Four: Additional remedies
when "B-requirement" is lacking.

In this chapter, we examine when things go wrong with a "both" that don't fit neatly into the double squeeze category. Mostly the thing that goes wrong are either the shared threat suit lacks an entry in its own suit, or you do not have one suit isolated to two players. This chapter covers compound squeeze, double quard squeeze, compound guard squeeze, double clash squeeze, hexagonal squeeze, and the neat sounding family of hedgehog squeezes.

Chapter Five: "Loser" Defect in
the Basic Simple Squeeze Position

For most squeezes, the loser count is suppose to be "one". If you can correct the count (by losing a trick), that is usually the best thing to do. But this chapter will show you that having more than one loser can actually be useful in different squeeze endings. And you can sometimes gain more than one trick on a squeeze. This chapter deals with correcting the count, strip squeezes, repeating and non-repeating triple squeezes.

Chapter Six: “Upper” Defects in
the Basic Simple Squeeze Position

Chapter Seven: Squeezes to
correct for blocked entry positions

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I am a BBO yellow, whose bbo nickname is "inquiry." I am also a moderator of the BBO bridge forum.